Artesanía Huichol

Artesanía Huichol
Migrant Huichol Family selling mostly traditional artesanía in Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, México

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The radically dispossessing trek of the migrants

So sad, and yet pressingly necessary: the transformation of these discarded objects into art and monument, commemorating the courage of the migrant!

Artifacts bearing witness to this modern-day Odyssey, as almost the only physical evidence left of a treacherous trek. Relegated to the dumpster, effects that started being personal to then become transient and finally refuse.. 

So many undocumented migrants have to shed everything, down to skin and bones; not once, but multiple times, like phoenixes caught in a seemingly endless feedback loop, undergoing a geographical bone marrow transplant forced upon them by a world that rejects their very existence; persistent, they try on new landscapes, searching for livable surroundings instead of the dieable homelands they're fleeing from.. I cannot find any other term to mark their Ethos than the Portuguese "Saudades!"

(Photos from Utne Reader online article)